Delhi Belhi - Indian Restauran on the French Riviera, Nice, FRANCE -
Phone: 04 93 92 51 87 (Behind Cours Saleya) - cote d'azur, restaurant
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Tandoor Specialties
TANDOORI CHICKEN chicken thigh marinated in yogurt with spices, roasted in the tandoor
CHICKEN TIKKA skewers of chicken marinated with spices, cooked in the tandoor
FISH TIKKA skewers of fish marinated with lemon and spices,cooked in the tandoor
BOTI KABAB choice pieces of leg of lamb marinated in lemon juice, spices, garlic and ginger, roasted in the tandoor
TANDOORI KING PRAWNS king prawns marinated in yogurt and spices, cooked in the tandoor
TANDOORI MILA JULA tandoori mix: Chicken Tikka, Tandoori Chicken, Boti Kabab and Tandoori King Prawns
Net Price is for information purposes only; prices subject to change without notice.
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